Dynamic models of competition with endogenous network formation. A case of constant output

  • Виталий Алексеевич Кочевадов Saint Petersburg State University
  • Vitalii Kochevadov Saint Petersburg State University
  • Артем Александрович Седаков Saint Petersburg State University
  • Artem Sedakov Saint Petersburg State University
Keywords: competition, investment, endogenous network, network game, Nash equilibrium


The paper examines discrete-time network models of competition with a finite planning horizon. Firms produce a homogeneous good in constant quantities and sell it on a common market. In the non-terminal period, the behavior of each firm is characterized by a multi-component profile that includes, among other things, the amount of investment and the structure of bilateral links with partner firms. The latter affects the technological state of the firm and allows it to reduce its current costs. The endogenous structure of partner firms is described by a network. For the models studied, the Nash equilibrium is characterized in a class of open-loop strategies.

How to Cite
Кочевадов, В., Kochevadov, V., Седаков, А., & Sedakov, A. (2024). Dynamic models of competition with endogenous network formation. A case of constant output. Mathematical Game Theory and Applications, 15(4), 54-78. https://doi.org/10.17076/mgta_2023_4_68